Legal mentions

The user declares they have read the above information before visiting the site. By choosing to access the site the user accepts, expressly and irrevocably, the terms below.

Full address
Conseil régional de Bretagne
283 avenue du Genéral Patton
CS 21 101
35711 Rennes cedex 7
Tél : 02 99 27 10 10
Fax : 02 99 27 11 11

Editing/publication of site
Company name : Conseil Régional de Bretagne, partenaire du projet Interreg VISTA-AR
Siret : 233 500 016 000 40
Publication manager : Partenaires du projet Interreg VISTA-AR
Editing manager : Partenaires du projet Interreg VISTA-AR

Please note that the following is a translation of the French legal mentions to which the website is bound and therefore references to laws are applicable to French law only.

1 – Site content
The website is hosted by the company ADDVISO and is the exclusive property of the Région Bretagne, partner in the Interreg France (Channel) England Project VISTA AR. It was designed and produced by Addviso. The consultation of the site is subject to the complete acceptance and the respect of the following conditions of use by the users. The user is already committed to only using the information contained on the site for personal and non-commercial use. In case of non-compliance, by the user, with the provisions of this charter, they may be held civilly and / or criminal liable.

2 – Intellectual Property
The site constitutes a work of which the Région Bretagne, partner in the Interreg France (Channel) England Project VISTA AR is the author according to the meaning of articles L111.1 and those following of the Intellectual Property Code.
In general, the data, the programmes, the texts, the information, the logos, the visual identities, the animated or non-animated images, the illustrations, pictograms and their formats appearing on the site are the property of the Région Bretagne, partner in the Interreg France (Channel) England Project VISTA AR and are protected as such by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code.

All users agree not to use them nor to allow anyone to use such content for illegal purposes.

Any representation or reproduction, total or partial, permanent or temporary, on a digital device and / or paper, and by any process whatsoever of any of the elements of the Site or services offered for sale, without the prior and express agreement of the Région Bretagne, partner in the Interreg France (Channel) England Project VISTA AR, is prohibited, and constitutes an act of infringement, which may lead to civil and / or criminal convictions. Only paper printing is authorised for the purpose of private copying for the exclusive use of the copier according to Article L122-5 2 of the Intellectual Property Code.
No hypertext link to the Site may be installed without the prior and express agreement of the Région Bretagne.

3 – Protection of personal data
The Région Bretagne is putting in place personal data processing with the purpose of communicating the progress of the VISTA-AR project and in particular by the distribution of a newsletter.
The data collected is essential for this treatment and is intended for the relevant departments in the Brittany Region and the Interreg France (Channel) England VISTA AR project partners (University of Exeter, Exeter Cathedral and Bournemouth University in the UK; (EESAB) Ecole Européenne Supérieure d’Art de Bretagne, NEOMA Business School, Municipality of Fougères and (CESI) Centre of Higher Education and Professional Training in France).

In accordance with regulations on personal data, you have a right to query, access, correction and opposition legitimate grounds, with regard to all the data concerning you, by sending an e-mail to the address or by mail to Région Bretagne, DAJCP, Delegate for the protection of personal data, 283 avenue General Patton – CS 21101 – 35711 Rennes Cedex 7, accompanied by a copy of an identity document.

4 – Information on navigation cookies
We may place a cookie on your computer. A cookie does not allow us to identify you; on the other hand, it records information relating to the navigation of your computer on our site (the pages which you consulted, the date and time of the consultation, etc.) which we will be able to read during your subsequent visits. The length of time this information is kept in your computer is 1 year.
We hereby inform you that you can choose not to accept cookies by configuring your browser as follows:
For Microsoft Internet Explorer – Versions 7 and 8:
• Choose the “Tools” menu, then “Internet Options”.
• Click on the “Privacy” tab.
• Select the desired level using the slider.
For Firefox:
• Click Tools> Options (Windows) or Preferences (Mac)
• Select the Privacy tab
• Tick Accept cookies

Google Analytics features for display advertisers can be enabled for this site (remarketing).
Google uses cookies to diffuse our ads on the sites of its Display Network.
Thanks to the DoubleClick cookie, Google tailors the ads served to users based on their browsing on our site.
You can disable the use of this feature by going to the Ads Preferences Manager. (link to

5 – Responsibility
The Région Bretagne declines all responsibility for possible malfunctions that may occur on the site and lead to data loss or unavailability of access to information produced on it. The elements presented on the site are subject to change without notice and are made available to users, without any guarantee of any kind, express or implied.

The presence of hypertext links present on the Site – whatever the existence or not of the agreement of the Région Bretagne – does not create a solidarity of responsibility between this one and the owners of the other sites, as for the contents of the sites on which the user is redirected.

Région Bretagne cannot guarantee the completeness and veracity of the information on the site. In the same way, it cannot guarantee the absence of modification by a third party (hacking, virus). In addition, the user is solely responsible for the use he/she makes of the content of the site. Except for gross negligence by the Region Bretagne, it shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage related to the use of the information produced on the site.

6 – Applicable law and Jurisdiction
All information disseminated on the site and the use made of it are subject exclusively to French law. Only courts within the jurisdiction of the Rennes Court of Appeal are competent to hear any disputes related to the use of the site.