Neoma Business School
NEOMA BS trains 9 500 students per year in programmes ranging from Bachelor level to Executive Education on its 3 campuses in Rouen, Reims and Paris.
Its 150 faculty members produce applied research, aiming to help businesses and other organisations understand the complexity of the challenges they face and transform them into development opportunities. This research can be applied to every area of management: marketing, strategy, human resources, finance, economics, law, etc.
Within VISTA-AR, NEOMA BS will mainly contribute to visitor and business intelligence, and participate in activities linked to the analysis of visitor feedback and satisfaction, the analysis and assessment of existing business models in the pilot tourist sites and the creation of innovative business models that take into account all the stakeholders involved.
To accomplish these missions, NEOMA BS will mobilise a multidisciplinary team of researchers specialising in services management, in particular tourism services; territorial promotion and local dynamics; consumer behaviour studies, in particular their use and appropriation of connected objects.
For the professors involved, the scientific benefit lies in their access to new research fields, the collection of data at European level, which will lead to the production of scientific contributions based on comparative analyses.
Participation in the project will also enable the research team to work with new scientific and professional networks, which will encourage their professionalisation and their knowledge of European projects.
For NEOMA BS, participation in VISTA-AR will strengthen its territorial roots in Normandy by generating useful knowledge for all the stakeholders involved: tourism professionals (tourist sites, restaurants, hotels, and shopkeepers), institutional players (tourist offices, local authorities, development agencies) and the whole of civil society (residents in tourist sites, tourists).
More generally, VISTA-AR will provide NEOMA BS with an opportunity to make a genuine economic and social impact in the region by promoting sustainable local growth and by creating synergies between the different types of player, which is one of the School’s priorities.
NEOMA BS’ experience in participating in and/or managing EU co-financed projects or other international projects:
Between 2004 and 2007, NEOMA BS took part in the project Interreg III-B SPAN – Strategic Planning Action Network, with a budget of €4.1m, in which four countries cooperated: Belgium (Université Libre de Bruxelles / Fondation Rurale de Wallonie), France (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne and Reims Management School, future NEOMA BS), Ireland (NUI Maynooth / Southside Partnership) and the United Kingdom (Queen’s University, Belfast / Rural Community Network). The project studied multi-level governance and strategic planning.
The School was also a partner in the SIMPACT project (FP7), Boosting the Impact of Social Innovation in Europe through Economic Underpinnings, with a total budget of €3m. Within this project, from January 2014 to December 2016, NEOMA BS was responsible for one of the nine WPs, collecting and analysing data at European level on social innovation projects (nine countries involved), which led to the production of a comparative, European level meta-analysis.
The School also coordinates projects co-financed by FEDER on topics such as the challenges of port logistics in Normandy and the impact of technology (connected objects) on “ageing well” (the silver economy).
VISTA-AR will be able to capitalise on this experience of working at European level with both academic institutions and local professional players.