Quarterly meeting of VISTAAR partners at NEOMA in Paris

Since the launch of VISTA AR, project monitoring has been organised around quarterly meetings of all partners. Each of us takes turns hosting these meetings. This is an opportunity to discover the premises and work of each partner.

In January 2019, the project was welcomed by NEOMA Business School on the rue d’Athènes in Paris. As has become customary, the meeting is held over two intense days that allow for a review of all project work packages. These key moments are an opportunity for partners to discover the progress of each other’s work. This week, half way through the project, the main focus was on the coordination of the solutions developed in the four VISTA AR product dimensions: virtual reality, augmented reality, visitor experience analysis and Business Models.

The VISTA AR teams have pinpointed the French deployment sites where the generic solutions developed at the Château de Fougères and Exeter Cathedral will be tested. Thus, the head of the Valloires Gardens, Sophie Nothum and the creator and director of the Lorient Submarine Museum, Christophe Cerino, took to the floor to present their sites and the VISTA AR devices envisaged there.