WP T1 – Cloud System

T1. Output 1 Cloud System AR/VR

T1. Output 2 Cloud System DPT

T1.1 Activity Requirements and architecture of the cloud system

T1.1.1 Deliverable Report of specifications

T1.2 Activity Functional model of the Cloud system

T1.2.1 Deliverable Functional model  AR/VR

T1.2.2 Deliverable Functional model DPT

T1.3 Activity First prototype of the cloud system

T1.3.1 Deliverable First prototype AR/VR server

T1.3.2 Deliverable First Prototype DPT Server

T1. 4 Activity Final prototype of the cloud can be used in the context of final testing and deployment.

T1.4.1 Deliverable Final prototype AR/VR server

T1.4.2 Deliverable Final Prototype DPT Server