WP T6 – Deployment
T6. Output 1 AR Solutions: Deployment Sites
T6. Output 2 Additional Visitors: Deployment Sites
T6. Output 3 Experiences: Deployment Sites
T6. Output 4 Propensity to visit reports: Deployment Sites (see deliverable T6.4.2)
T6.1 Activity “Specification of the global scenography and derivation of business models”
T6.1.1 Deliverable Contents, scenario and functions of the chosen AR solution for each site
T6.2 Activity Deployment of the VISTA AR solution
T6.2.1 Deliverable Deployment of the VISTA AR solution
T6.3 Activity “Final assessment, adaptation and deployment of the VISTA AR solution”
T6.3.1 Deliverable VISTA AR final solution
T6.4 Activity Evaluation of visitor numbers (deployment sites)
T6.4.2 Deliverable Evaluation of Visitor Experience and propensity to visit (deployment)
T6.5 Activity Definition, organisation and creation of the SIG structure
T6.5.1 Deliverable Statutes of the structure
T6.6 Activity Creation of online immersive experiences (deployment sites)
T6.6.1 Deliverable Deployment of online experiences (deployment sites)